Friday, July 9, 2010

Sorry it's been so long/

Okay so I know I haven't written in Here as much as I promised bu that is all going to change. Wow a lot has happened since I last wrote. I turned 23 wow I feel old. We found out that our house hold goods will be delivered the 12th which is only 4 days from now. It's been four month since our things were packed up and taken away. I've never been so excited to have my stuff. A back. My bed, my brand new couch everything. Okay anyways enough about that's let me tell you about my birthday. It was absolutely wonderful. Daniel got me the brand new iPhone 4 and I love it. I would have just. Been okay with that but then he took me and the girls to ramstein air force base and that in itself was great. We ate at chilis and macaroni grill which to everyone in the states is no big deal but let me tell you that food was FABULOUS. And then after lunch we went and went shopping nd it was perfect cause I actually spent money on myself. And I got nothing but under clothes which is exactly what I needed. It was the absolute perfect birthday. I still need to upload those pictures so I will have to post them later. But Germany is still wonderful beautiful and hot. Enjoy your German cake tou American pies.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another Weekend in Germany

So this weekend we were supposed to go to Nurnberg, Germany which is this beautiful city where castles tower over the entire city. But, that got canceled when Daniel found out he had 24 hour duty on Friday. So that day my Mom, the girls and I just hung out around the house and went for short walk. Then around 6 that evening Daniel came home and the 2 of us went to watch Iron Man 2 which I might say was a really good movie. So on Saturday we got up and walked to the PX to do a little shopping, we got Belle a Disney Princess picture for her wall and we got both of the girls a Mr. Potato Head. So on the walk back Izabella decided she wanted to go to the park and play for a few since it was so hot outside. So the girls played on the swings and on the slides, they had so much fun and it was great to see them enjoying themselves. And that was pretty much our weekend. Oh I almost forgot Sunday we went to into the city for a few because I was running out of stuff to do the girls hair with, and Germany has a Sally Beauty Supply, yeah I know I was thinking the same thing! So here are a few pictures to show you the fun we had this weekend. Enjoy your German cake, you American pies.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our New House

Here are a few pictures of the new House
The Guest Bedroom
The Master Bedroom
The living/dining room
The living/dining room
Our Bathroom
The Fab New Kitchen
The Girls Room

Enjoy your German cake, you American pies


Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Phone Call

So its official, we are off to Germany!!!!! I got a text from Daniel a few days ago asking for me to call him right away, he just got off the phone with the people from housing. So I dropped everything to give him a call. When he answers all he can say is, "We got a house I'm going to sign for it now, I can't talk cause I'm in uniform."

After that phone call I could do is smile and run around telling my mom that, "we got a house, we got a house." I sent texts to my sister, my sister-cousin, my aunt and to everyone else I could think of. But then I had to stop compose myself and make all the important phone calls to make to get myself and my girls on a flight to our new home. So in just a few weeks we are off to start the next chapter in our lives, 3 years in Bamberg, Germany. Let the countdown begin.

Enjoy your German cake, you American pies!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Post

I am starting this blog mostly because my sister begged me to. I am moving my family to Germany with my husband, who is in the military. I want to keep my family, mostly sister, up to date on our new life in Germany.

I will do my best to post 2-3 times a week, with pictures of the girls, our new home and places we visit in Germany.

Enjoy your German cake, you American pies!
